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Truth Of Christ Ministries -T.O.C.M was inspired by the holy spirit in 2018.

TOCM – This was exactly six years after Becoming A Born Again Christian whilst visiting a mechanic shop in December 2012.  I was encouraged by a Pastor who sat next to me to repeat some words (The Born Again Prayer). Which I didn’t fully understand at that time in spite of my Christian Upbringing. Only noticed after several months that. God Almighty had delivered me from my past life of adultery/promiscuousness’, vanity, and the wrong company of entertainment celebrities.

As time passed by, I began to realize transformation through the loss of interest in certain friends and of worldly pleasure. This I know was the work of the Holy Spirit. Who led me to join St. John’s Church, Christchurch, and three other churches. The Holy Spirit also filled my life with compassion by sending me to do volunteer work in a charity store at Virginia Water Surrey.

The Holy Spirit, also known as (The Divine Helper Who Proceeded From Christ), planted generosity in my heart. By allowing me to support various churches and organizations such as Wycliffe Bible Translators and Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), an international Christian television broadcaster. All this time, He will teach me to write visions down. Which includes being baptized, studying the entire Holy Bible, and starting A Ministry For The Gospel Of Jesus Christ. All of the above was accomplished.

My baptism ceremony took place on March 31st 2018. Nearly a year later, on March 28th 2019, I completed Bible Studies. Making it possible for Truth Of Christ Ministries- TOCM on June 6th 2019 to be available on the Internet. God is always faithful and on time.

our mission – our assignment

TOCM Evangelical Mission has only one aim. And that is to win as many SOULS unto the KINGDOM OF GOD in the shortest possible time. And in the process give a helping hand to those in need. With the grace of God Almighty and the boldness of His Holy Spirit. We are on track to make this assignment possible. We do earnestly believe the times of the last SPIRITUAL BATTLE. For precious Human Souls before the end of age is now. The adversary knows he has a very short period of time to operate, so he will destroy as many lives as we allow him to, before he is taken out of the way, as the Holy Scriptures declared.

To sum up, It is without a doubt that the world has completely changed. Within the last year and a half. As a result of that, most people have already accepted that normal life, as we have previously known, belongs to the past and will not reverse.